Design Your Life

Experience the Freedom, Joy & Success of Being Yourself
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A coach is an advocate who supports you to bring out your best self, your essential self who you were born to be, and accomplish your goals. I love how Martha Beck describes coaching “Coaching is not like therapy. It’s a conversation between equals where one person volunteers to be a leader by serving the other’s life quest for truth.”

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdoms-Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Chakra System and modern science- Quantum Physics/ Neutrinos and Genetics. Human Design came into the world in 1987 to liberate us by empowering us to recognize, accept, nurture and come to love our own and everyone else’s uniqueness. Being yourself in joy and fulfillment is the purpose of your life and your gift to the world. There are no good or bad Designs! Each of us is a one-of-a-kind, important puzzle piece in the giant puzzle of humanity.
· What is unique and special about me?
· What are my gifts?
· What is my purpose?
. Why do I react like that?
· Why do I feel so frustrated? depleted? different? sensitive? stuck?
· Do you feel that you need to be different to fit in or be accepted?
. Are you not feeling in the flow of life and wondering “Why isn’t this working?”
· Do you go back and forth when making decisions?
· Are you feeling the pull of your purpose but aren’t sure what your superpowers are?
What if you had a safe, nurturing mirror that reflected back your amazing gifts and strengths and helped you see that the flip side of your quirks, pain and challenges are your wisdom and talents?
· See yourself through new eyes.
. Have a deeper understanding about why you react and feel the way you do.
. Free yourself to stop working on the things that aren’t you and focus on what is you.
. Experience the validation, freedom and excitement of embracing who you are saying
“That’s me and that’s exactly how I’m supposed to be!”

You Don't Need to Be Fixed!
Your Design
is Who You Were Born to Be.
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Linda’s deep love and knowledge of Human Design has been a game changer in my life! I only wish I could have had this knowledge sooner. I found great relief in learning that all my formerly perceived “odd and weird characteristics” serve a purpose! Linda continues to help me break free from my deep conditioning ‘to fit in’ and to boldly embrace my unique, powerful, and useful attributes...
Mary G.
Linda is THE MOST AMAZING life coach! Linda is the epitome of an extraordinary coach, which, by definition, is someone who role models positive behaviors, teaches you how to expand upon your skills, is your biggest cheerleader, focuses on your innermost strengths, is there for you to celebrate your wins, and encourages you when you feel hopeless! am a very sensitive person and often leave situations feeling just OK, but after I leave Linda, I can genuinely say I feel absolutely fabulous!
Sophia R.
I will never forget my first Human Design reading with Linda , it was truly LIFE-CHANGING! Prior to meeting Linda I did not know what direction my l was supposed to go in my life. Linda is one of the most insightful and helpful people I've ever met. Linda combines Human Design with her incredible ability to help people find their way in life. She helped me find my way through the navigation of a very difficult transition in my life. I was just starting out in a new career and wasn't sure which way to turn...